It's finals week! That means next week I don't have school. Since having dropped one class, I only had three classes to finish, one of which was an online class that I had a paper due for as our final. I submitted that Sunday night. My two other classes didn't seem too bad either. I had a final today, and I have one tomorrow. HERE'S THE PROBLEM: I mixed those two classes up. I thought my Family Sociology final was today at 12:30 and my Deviance Sociology final was tomorrow at 10. I was SO prepared to take that Family final today, it's not even funny. All the Deviance final was on was reading material, so it would be no problem for me to be studying that now after my Family final. So I leave the library at 12:15 to head for my Family final only to recognize no one in the room. I head to my teacher's office to find out where our final is located only to have him tell me our final is tomorrow. Crap. That means my Deviance final was today at 10, which I hadn't yet read the articles for. All it is is three articles. Really simple. AND I MISSED IT. Which means I'll fail the class if my teacher doesn't let me make it up. So here I sit, blogging. I just read the first article. I'm trying to be prepared in case he does let me take it. If not, looks like I'll have a nice big F on my transcript. WELL, IF HE HAD JUST PUT THE DATE OF OUR FINAL ON THE SYLLABUS LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH MORE PREPARED. In conclusion, please pray for me. Pray that this teacher has grace with me and lets me take the final, hopefully tomorrow before or after my other final. Pray for my health. And pray for my parents. I hate to be asking for so much prayer, but sometimes life is just hard and you have to ask for prayer. I'd be more than willing to return the favor.
(It's kind of weird that all this bad stuff is happening because I'm actually happy. I don't get it. It's confusing. That is all.)
you hate asking for so much prayer?! Hey. I'll take all i can get! you better blog what happened! (i seriously doubt you'll come out with an F)