Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Come on in. I've gotta tell you what a state I'm in.

Okay, so I have to apologize for totally botching what the benefit we attended last night was for.  It was for a girl with Cystic Fibrosis.  It was actually pretty cool.  We bought a bunch of raffle tickets (20 for me, 20 for The Boy's mom, and 100 for The Boy), and The Boy actually won some stuff!  He won a baseball and photo of the baseball field signed by Paul Maineri (the LSU baseball coach) and a quail hunt in Mississippi, along with some little things won from playing games toward the end of the night.  I believe we walked out with some golf balls, a bottle of BBQ sauce, a $25 Advance Auto Parts gift card, a BMW travel coffee mug, and a vase with a Saints fleur de lis painted on it.  A successful night, I'd say.

I love O's idea about a warning label for our blogs, so I wanted to write mine!

"Upon reading this blog, here are a few things to be prepared to find:
1.  I often use nicknames or initials for friends and loved ones.
2.  I try to not talk about The Boy too much, but he will occasionally make an appearance.
3.  I 'm a little bit of an entertainment junkie.
4.  I'm definitely a travel junkie.
5.  I tend to post more often when I'm sad than when I'm happy (with the exception of the 30-day blogging challenge).
6.  At the moment, my personal life is going through extreme highs and extreme lows all at once.  I promise I'm not bipolar.
7.  My dogs are my children.
8.  I use song lyrics as titles.  They may or may not directly associate with what I'm blogging about."

Okay, that's all I can come up with for the time being.  That was fun!

P.S. Did anyone notice the song lyric I used as my title?  I kind of thought it was rather clever of me.


  1. YEEES!! Love it, Ash! & yeah, I keep thinking of more & more, but I'm pretty sure I got the important ones down. Thanks for participating! <3

  2. Good one! Oh, yeah, ONE MORE DAY til we leave. That's all!
