Did you guys think you'd never hear from me again, or what? I honestly didn't know if I'd find the time or inspiration to blog again, but alas, the Ides of March approaches, so I thought I needed at least one post before then to catch everyone up.
Ummmmm soooooo, what's been going on in my life? Hmmmmm...
(I probably should have read my last post to see where I was at that point...)
I'm in my final semester of undergrad right now. Like, literally. Like, I'm sitting in class while writing this. The class I'm in is English, adolescent literature, emphasis on fantasy. Yes, Twilight and The Hunger Games trilogy are on the reading list. This was the class I was most looking forward to taking. Here's the problem. I'm a little bit older than your typical college student. A lot of these books were written after I graduated high school (with the exception of a couple of them, like The Giver). Said books were the kinds of books these kids read for fun in middle school. Their perceptions of the themes and issues in these books are REALLY different than my own. It sort of takes away from my excitement. I wish I could tell you guys to read some of these books and discuss them with me. (This one kid [who knows everything, obviously] just mentioned that he was 15 during Hurricane Gustav. I was 15 during Hurricane Andrew. [Okay, not really.])
SO. Presuming I'll pass all my courses, after a decade of college on and off, I'll finally have a bachelors degree. And I'll celebrate with a trip to my favorite place on Earth with some of my favorite people on Earth. While I'm sad that my big brother and The Captain won't be joining, I'll be honest, it'll probably be more fun to just have a girls' trip. Plus, since TC has never been there, it ensures that I'll have another trip that way hopefully in the next few years.
Family stuff has just become so strange. Both my brothers live an hour away now. I miss my big brother. So much. I haven't seen him since Christmas. TC and I went into the city last weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day, and I wanted so badly to get together with him, but it just didn't work out. Then he came into town the next day, and I was throwing a baby shower for my bestie, and it didn't work out again. My parents each have their own separate things going, and it's just taking some getting used to. I don't hate it at all. It's just different.
Things with TC's family have been quite transitional, as well. I don't feel comfortable elaborating much on those things, but I'm sure as things come up, I'll share more.
Welp, there's your update. I hope I've covered the main topics.
yay!!! :) I've been thinking about the Ides of March, too!