Hey guys, remember me? I'm really sorry for being such a slacker with the reading as well as the composition of blogs, but sometimes I just can't figure out how to put thoughts into words. I really can't afford to skimp so much anymore, though. I have people I'm in desparate need to keep up with.
I so wish I was very good at writing tributes to people, but I'm not. What I would like to make mention of, though, is how much I love my dears Stephanie and Charlie. And how very much I am going to miss them. And I keep saying, "It's only two years," but the truth is that life isn't going to be the same without them around. But it is ONLY two years. And there WILL be visits. And when they return they will be Mister and Master Loup. (Haha, right? That's probably not even correct...)
I've been feeling very cheesy lately, mostly because of all the emotional things that have been happening. I keep getting this flashback from the first season of One Tree Hill when Peyton is drawing the picture of a lonely girl with the caption, "People always leave." Lately it's really been feeling like that. And I know people don't always leave. I have so many people I love that haven't left. And I know that people do sometimes leave, and most of the time it's because they're meant to. And I know that I shouldn't be so selfish, but sometimes I have to let myself be selfish for a few minutes.
Mostly everyone knows the rough patch my family is going through right now, so I won't elaborate too much. For the record, I'm doing well. That being said, it really hurts. And I can't let myself think about it too deeply or for very long periods of time because I'll pretty much melt into a ball of tears and desperation.
I don't want people to worry about me, though. Aside from missing folks and family stuff, I'm going through all sorts of new things, and these new things are making me very, very happy. Plus, the second anniversary of my 25th birthday is coming up. Moving forward.
it kind of sucks to be the "leave-er" too. seeing as i have been that for the past few years. i left my family to go to college... i left all my dear college friends 4 years later... and then left my family AGAIN to move to louisiana. and now leaving all of you. i went through major guilt issues (which i think was actually a part of a grieving process) when i moved to LA. and i kind of feel that way now, too.. so, although i'm on the other end, -believe me-. i know how much that feeling sucks. and also believe me when i say i'm probably going to cry whenever i see pictures or hear about all of you guys being together and doing fun cuzzie things. :( this is entirely too sad. it's just two years. there. that fixes everything :)