Tuesday, March 25, 2014

For me you'll always be 18 and beautiful and dancing away with my heart.

I started to blog yesterday then got distracted.  Sah-ree!

That Jason Mraz song I was talking about last post is called "A Beautiful Mess", not "Here We Are".  Sah-ree.

I'm having a tough week emotionally.  It can probably mostly be blamed on hormones and such.  I just really miss TC this week.  He's working overtime, so he won't be home until next Tuesday.  And then he'll go right back Thursday.  Tug life.  Job/family also has me down, but that's nothing new.  I really hope this teaching thing works out.  I have a good feeling about it after my interview yesterday, but it is going to be difficult not having my own salary for 7 weeks.  We're gonna test this marriage thing right out of the gates with that one.

They opened up a tobacco novelty store directly next door to my office.  It's been closed since Friday.  I imagine it has something to do with all the synthetic marijuana raids that have been going on.  I have a very personal vendetta against that stuff.  I've seen it hurt a lot of people close to me, both directly and indirectly.  Anyhow, this morning I was walking out to the mailbox when I saw an older man in a little truck seeming to be looking at the smoke shop.  He then proceeded to stop his truck, taking up both a handicapped parking spot and a regular parking spot, to hop out and peer into the window.  I guess he didn't realize he forgot to put his truck in park, because it started rolling toward my car.  I hollered at him that his truck was rolling away, and he just looked at me sadly and got back into it and left.  This is what synthetic marijuana is doing to people.  They become completely disoriented and throw their lives away to put this harmful chemical in their bodies.  There's so little that can be done about it, because it's sold as "potpourri", and when one strand is banned, they come up with a new one by tweaking the chemicals just a bit.  I beg all of you, if you know anyone experimenting with this garbage, do your best to talk some sense into them.

This evening, I get to go pick up the disc with all my wedding photos AND my first Spring CSA box.  So I will have a night full of recipe planning and cleaning and chopping and photo choosing for all my pretty frames.  Hopefully that will cheer me up, but it still feels like it'll be a long week.

But I DO get to see so many people I care about this weekend (including my long-lost L) at Megan & Simpson's wedding.  Both of my parents and their significant others are invited, and last I heard they were both planning on coming.  That should be interesting.  Here's hoping that doesn't ruin the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You're gonna have fun, Ash!! Sorry it's been a rough week :( But I see good things in your future! (that sounded more like a fortune cookie than I intended it to...)
