Saturday, March 29, 2014

I don't care what they say about us, anyway.

No, I did not go to the FREE Weezer show last night.  I'm a moron.

This has been an overwhelming week for me.  There are a lot of possible paths that my future can take at this point, and I'm basically just waiting on an email.

When I first heard about the Weezer show, I thought, Awesome!  Something to do Friday night!  But as the week's events unraveled (not unlike a sweater), the idea of staying home and getting things done and reflecting took over.  I opted out.

I don't often regret the choice to stay home on a Friday night while TC is working, but this time I do.  Here's why.

Some time around the ages of 11-13, our family got its very first desktop computer.  I always enjoyed the typewriter we had (yes, I'm 85 years old, kids), but there was something about this box that I could type on but could also hold all kinds of information.  I grew to love just researching on our encyclopedia program (pre-Internet) or playing my little brother's PC Lego game.  One day while I was checking out what other cool stuff this thing had, I remembered part of the demo from the store was a music video.  So I went searching.  I found two videos, one of which was the music video for Weezer's "Buddy Holly".

Growing up in a strict Christian household at that time meant no secular music.  For some reason (actually, probably because the video looked like an episode of Happy Days, which was NEVER banned at our house), my parents were cool with letting us watch this video.  The song was unlike anything I'd ever heard.  It was up-tempo and catchy and the guys singing it were just so darned cute!  Also, I loved Happy Days and everything about the era which it portrayed.  I'm not ashamed to say that part of me thought this was actually an old song.  I was young.  Anyhow, Weezer introduced a genre of music to me that I grew to love.  Part rock, part pop, and sung by cute boys.  I really feel that they are at the very core of the songs and artists that I love the most.

And that's why I hate myself for not going to that show.  Here's hoping I get the chance again someday.  Hold me accountable, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Did y'all have encarta too?? I loved it! And I remember watching that Weezer video a gazillion times at your house, too!
