Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lucky ones are we all till it is over.

I'm so blessed.  SO BLESSED.

I hate those nights when I feel like I got to a point in my life that is hopeless because I usually try to figure out how I got there.  I know already.  I know what I need to do to change my situation, but I forget that I know that so often.  I remember a line from a song we used to have to do sign and dance to when we were kids.  You know, at nursing homes and whatnot.

I cast all my cares upon You.
I lay all of my burdens down at Your throne.

And that's simply all there is to it.  I feel like where I am is preparation mode for a huge life change.  But I think it's time for the preparation to become action.

Um, I feel like Charlie Sheen rambling like this.  Goodnight.


  1. ...and anytime i don't know wha-at to do..i just cast all my cares uopn You...thanks you:)

  2. I support this action. I think because I was in your situation a month ago-- well not exactly the same situation, but similar emotional state and such. You just have to go back to your roots, faith, etc. It feels like a heavy weight being lifted when you do. Happiness! :)
