Saturday, March 19, 2011

I don't know how to own you.

Blogging early today, yessiree, because I just spent most of the day in the sun, so I'd like the option to fall asleep and not wake up until morning for the remainder of the evening.

Today was a fun day. Sunshiny, if you will. I woke up super early (but that's alright because if you remember, I went to bed at 9:30 last night) to get my hair done. Getting my hair done is great because I also got to fill Crystal in on all the ridiculousness of this week. PLUS, I got out of there in time to go home, change, put on my face, and go to the St. Patrick's Day parade! And I played with babies and danced and caught beads and drank a margarita. THEN we went to Sam and Jesse's and just had a great afternoon listening to music, eating, chatting, and laying in the grass. All in all, a lovely day with lovely people.

The only bad part was the tendency to text a certain someone who I promised myself I wasn't texting/calling until tomorrow. I haven't felt that sort of urgency in quite some time, and I have to tell you, I don't like it one bit. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I hate dating. Or not dating. OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT'S GOING ON BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA.