Thursday, March 24, 2011

The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake.

Thursday is my favorite day of the week. It always has been. If I ever get married, maybe I'll throw everyone for a loop and have my wedding on a Thursday. I don't particularly want to blog, but I kind of skimped last night, so I'm taking this blogging time to also eat some fro-yo since my throat hurts.

Tonight was a fun night. Bethany and Cydney came over, and all of us girls (Lauren included, obviously) went out for Thai food then came home and watched some tv, drank some wine, and chatted A LOT. So thankful for good girls' nights.

I'm so disappointed that NBC didn't decide to keep Perfect Couples. It's so funny! I now need to follow everyone in the cast because I seriously love all of them.

Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm done. Sorry again for another disappointing blog. Waited too late. :/

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