Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I hope you're the last words I ever utter.

I both love and loathe today.

Why do I love it?
Well, I booked my wedding today!  The date will be Saturday, February 8, 2014.  The ceremony and reception will both be held at the same place, a small plantation not far from TC's parents' house and where we went to high school.  It's going to be lovely.  I also love today because I got my fingernails and toenails all polished up real pretty for some friends' wedding this weekend.  I went with TC's best friend's fiancee.  We joke that those boys always have to do everything together, including, apparently, get married.  (Side:  As much as I love getting complimented on my ring, I suppose I'll forever have to answer the question, "Is that a YELLOW diamond?"  Oh well.  First world problems.)  Also, TC comes home tomorrow, and I get him for an extra couple of days this time around.

Who do I loathe it?
I need to clean the house, and I know I won't have time unless I practically kill myself tonight.  I still have to write my Louisiana history essay, our final exam in the class.  And I'm pretty sure I'll have a to read a lot before doing so.  I just cannot bring myself to do it.  I sat in traffic on Essen Lane today.  It made me want to take my car off-road and/or smash it into every other car on the road (oh, except you actually have to be GOING at some speed to do that).

(I feel super annoying when I blog nowadays.  Maybe once school is over I'll have more interesting things to talk about.)

1 comment:

  1. On the calendar!!!!!! :)
    ALSO. I forgot already. but i love it when you blog.
