Monday, May 12, 2014

Take my arms that I might reach you.

I have been feeling insanely restless.  I've noticed that this mostly occurs when I'm at work.  I just feel like my insides are going to burst.  I want to laugh and cry and run around and close the door and not talk to anyone.  This could be because I'm in the throes of my final three weeks working in the same place for 11+ years, a place that has felt like my home in the past but now feels impossibly far from home.  Everything is different.  I've been desperate to leave for at least a year, but now that it's upon me, I feel like a kid lost at Disney World.  I'm in a place that I've been trying to reach for so long, but being alone makes me anxious and terrified.

I'm not afraid of the future.  I never have been.  I've always been one to welcome change, whether big or small.  I know that this is what God has in store for me and my family.  The endless possibility of furthering my career is something I've never been more excited about.  But I'm just restless.

I could really use a Buffy and pizza night about now.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easy like Sunday morning.

Easter is just my favorite holiday.  I guess it's because you don't have the same kinds of pressures that come along with Christmas and Thanksgiving.  It's easier for me to really sit back and reflect on what the holiday is all about and give thanks for the sacrifice that was made for us.  TC was telling me on the phone yesterday that, since he is at work on the boat, the day felt like just another day.  I reminded him that it wasn't another day and how lucky we all are that it isn't.  He said he hadn't thought about it that way, and it made me feel good to know that I could remind my husband that he was worth Jesus's life.  Since we don't have children, it's easy to ignore holidays just because of the hype surrounding them, because that hype is really focused on kids.  I'm happy to be able to remember that there was a time when Easter wasn't about candy or eggs and there's a real reason to celebrate.

I got to go see TC early Sunday morning, too.  He hasn't been feeling well since the boys came back from Vegas.  His best friend went to the doctor and she told him this is quite common because of the desert air.  So TC ran out of cough drops on the boat and used everyone else's cough drops, as well.  They were stopping at a small fleet about 20 minutes away from our house on Sunday morning, so I offered to bring him some, along with some soup I had made, some leftover pasta salad, and some cookies for the rest of the guys.  Well, turns out their stop was at 4 in the morning.  But I had already said I would, so I woke up at 3 and went out to the fleet.  It was worth it to be able to say hello to him in person.

He'll come home Thursday, and we'll have another whirlwind weekend.  Rehearsal dinner Thursday night, wedding stuff all day Friday (I'll work for a few hours in the morning, too), and another wedding Saturday night.  I always look forward to even the busy weekends, because it means we'll get to be with friends and family.  The lack of free time and sleep is an important investment.  These are the people who will be in our lives and our future children's lives forever, and I'm grateful for the happy memories.

This past weekend was wonderful spending time with my family.  Friday I got to go shopping with my mom.  Her boyfriend is taking her on a secret vacation, and she needed some bathing suits.  We bought her two bikinis, a really cute one-piece, and a cover up.  She was pretty pleased.  Saturday I went to my uncle's house to spend time with my dad's side of the family.  I don't get to see this side of the family as often as my mom's, so it was really nice.  We hadn't gotten together for Easter in years.  I have wonderful family on both sides.  Sunday was Easter at Mom's house, where we spent time with her side.  My in-laws joined there, as well.  I feel so fortunate to have cousins who are like siblings to me.  I couldn't get through life without the support of my family.  I certainly missed all my out-of-towners, though!

It just hit me that I made a happy post!  Hooray!

Monday, April 7, 2014

I don't want to follow Death and all of his friends.

I wrote a blog yesterday, but it wouldn't publish.  So I will try my best to recap.

It has been a crazy/difficult weekend.  TC went back to work Thursday after spending a really great two days home with me.  I took off of work one of those days because this month is one of those months where between overtime and each of us traveling to different places, we wouldn't have much time together.  We had a great day of golf, grocery shopping, getting lots done around the house, and cooking/eating a delicious dinner.

Friday night I got a phone call from his best friend's fiancée.  His father passed away.  There were really awful circumstances surrounding it.  It was exactly three weeks to their wedding day.  Since TC was on the river and sleeping at that moment, it was my job to call the wheelhouse and ask Captain E to have someone wake him up and call me so I could tell him.  It isn't easy telling your husband that a man who had been a second father to him for a majority of his life had left us.  He and his best friend are closer than brothers.  I've said on a number of occasions that I know I rank second to him and it's fine with me because he is such a good, responsible, caring person and would never lead him in the wrong direction.  So TC docked the boat and came home yesterday because it just couldn't be put off any longer.  We spent last night with he and his fiancée (who has become a close friend of mine) just talking quietly together and separately.  Today TC is with him and his mother doing some of the difficult things that come along with all of this.

I could not be more thankful and proud of the man that he is.  Mr. Pat helped mold that man, and I know that I have to send some of those thanks to him.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I don't care what they say about us, anyway.

No, I did not go to the FREE Weezer show last night.  I'm a moron.

This has been an overwhelming week for me.  There are a lot of possible paths that my future can take at this point, and I'm basically just waiting on an email.

When I first heard about the Weezer show, I thought, Awesome!  Something to do Friday night!  But as the week's events unraveled (not unlike a sweater), the idea of staying home and getting things done and reflecting took over.  I opted out.

I don't often regret the choice to stay home on a Friday night while TC is working, but this time I do.  Here's why.

Some time around the ages of 11-13, our family got its very first desktop computer.  I always enjoyed the typewriter we had (yes, I'm 85 years old, kids), but there was something about this box that I could type on but could also hold all kinds of information.  I grew to love just researching on our encyclopedia program (pre-Internet) or playing my little brother's PC Lego game.  One day while I was checking out what other cool stuff this thing had, I remembered part of the demo from the store was a music video.  So I went searching.  I found two videos, one of which was the music video for Weezer's "Buddy Holly".

Growing up in a strict Christian household at that time meant no secular music.  For some reason (actually, probably because the video looked like an episode of Happy Days, which was NEVER banned at our house), my parents were cool with letting us watch this video.  The song was unlike anything I'd ever heard.  It was up-tempo and catchy and the guys singing it were just so darned cute!  Also, I loved Happy Days and everything about the era which it portrayed.  I'm not ashamed to say that part of me thought this was actually an old song.  I was young.  Anyhow, Weezer introduced a genre of music to me that I grew to love.  Part rock, part pop, and sung by cute boys.  I really feel that they are at the very core of the songs and artists that I love the most.

And that's why I hate myself for not going to that show.  Here's hoping I get the chance again someday.  Hold me accountable, folks.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

For me you'll always be 18 and beautiful and dancing away with my heart.

I started to blog yesterday then got distracted.  Sah-ree!

That Jason Mraz song I was talking about last post is called "A Beautiful Mess", not "Here We Are".  Sah-ree.

I'm having a tough week emotionally.  It can probably mostly be blamed on hormones and such.  I just really miss TC this week.  He's working overtime, so he won't be home until next Tuesday.  And then he'll go right back Thursday.  Tug life.  Job/family also has me down, but that's nothing new.  I really hope this teaching thing works out.  I have a good feeling about it after my interview yesterday, but it is going to be difficult not having my own salary for 7 weeks.  We're gonna test this marriage thing right out of the gates with that one.

They opened up a tobacco novelty store directly next door to my office.  It's been closed since Friday.  I imagine it has something to do with all the synthetic marijuana raids that have been going on.  I have a very personal vendetta against that stuff.  I've seen it hurt a lot of people close to me, both directly and indirectly.  Anyhow, this morning I was walking out to the mailbox when I saw an older man in a little truck seeming to be looking at the smoke shop.  He then proceeded to stop his truck, taking up both a handicapped parking spot and a regular parking spot, to hop out and peer into the window.  I guess he didn't realize he forgot to put his truck in park, because it started rolling toward my car.  I hollered at him that his truck was rolling away, and he just looked at me sadly and got back into it and left.  This is what synthetic marijuana is doing to people.  They become completely disoriented and throw their lives away to put this harmful chemical in their bodies.  There's so little that can be done about it, because it's sold as "potpourri", and when one strand is banned, they come up with a new one by tweaking the chemicals just a bit.  I beg all of you, if you know anyone experimenting with this garbage, do your best to talk some sense into them.

This evening, I get to go pick up the disc with all my wedding photos AND my first Spring CSA box.  So I will have a night full of recipe planning and cleaning and chopping and photo choosing for all my pretty frames.  Hopefully that will cheer me up, but it still feels like it'll be a long week.

But I DO get to see so many people I care about this weekend (including my long-lost L) at Megan & Simpson's wedding.  Both of my parents and their significant others are invited, and last I heard they were both planning on coming.  That should be interesting.  Here's hoping that doesn't ruin the weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2014

It kind of hurts when the kind of words you write kind of turn themselves into knives.

(I think I've used different lines from the same song as post titles numerous times throughout this blog.  It's a tragically beautiful song called "Here We Are" by Jason Mraz.  I've had a number of days where I've listened to this song and this song only on repeat.  Those days are usually marked by significant life changes.)

Today was a stupid day.

I tried to salvage it by grocery shopping, eating leftover pizza, baking brownies and watching Veronica Mars for the second night in a row.

Now I'm just very tired, and I'm going to call TC so I can talk to him before bed.  The nights where I get to do that are few since I don't typically stay up late enough for him to wake up for his night/morning hitch.  But tonight I did.  And I think that will help.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

All things are gonna happen naturally.

I'm quite an excited girl right now.

As many of you don't know yet (because I didn't want to jinx anything--I AM NOT PREGNANT), I have recently applied to a teacher practitioner program with the Louisiana Resource Center for Educators.  It's a program that would involve, providing I am accepted, a seven-week, full time course over the summer to prepare me to become a teacher.  After that, I would start teaching full time.  Meaning?  In the Fall, boom, I'm a teacher.  This is a bit terrifying, but even more so exhilarating.

When I first thought of even looking into something like this, I did the research and also asked some of the people I interact with daily what they would think of me becoming a teacher.  The general consensus was, "Well, yeah.  Isn't that what you were planning to do anyway?"  And you know what?  It was!  When I finally decided to pursue my bachelors degree for the final time, that WAS my plan.  Get a degree in whatever I could get a degree in quickest and look for a program which would allow me to become a teacher.  But, you know, life happened, and I forgot all about it.  Once I actually decided that I would apply to this program, it was a situation something like, "Oh yes, we'll accept your application--for the next five days.  Have we mentioned you also have to take Praxis II?"  So it was a bit of a hurried decision.  But the kicker was that I didn't once feel stressed out or rushed.  I made all the calls to have past test scores and school records sent to the center and scheduled my test in a matter of minutes.  (I took it this past Saturday morning.  I got a 174.  150 is passing.  Can someone teach me about American government?  I seem to be lacking in the knowledge department there.)

Teaching seems to me like something natural, something I could just fall into.  When I think about lesson plans and grading and such, however, I get a little panicky.  I have to keep reminding myself that I have not yet been educated about these things and that I will be educated about these things if I am accepted into the program.

Today I got an email from LRCE telling me that they wanted to have an in-person interview with me.  So come Monday morning, this is all going to become a little more real.  I wanted to finally let the cat out of the bag so that you guys can pray for me!  I need God's Will to be done so badly.  I don't know all of His inner workings, but I do feel so strongly that I am not where He wants me to be right now.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

Well, hello again, Blogspot.  Sorry it's been so long.  Nine months and some change.  You can thank the lack of school for me not blogging.  It was sort of one of my school routines.  And you can thank the Ides of March for getting me back.  Which I completely forgot about.  So I guess you have Stephanie to thank.

I'm a married lady now.  Mrs. TC.  Everyone keeps asking if it feels any different.  It does, and it doesn't.  We lived together for a year before getting engaged, so we sort of got used to the boundaries that go along with living together.  But there's a sense of uncompromising teamwork that is more intense now.  So.  Marriage.

Speaking of weddings, 'tis the year.  Babies, too.  Other big changes, as well.  But I'll save that for tomorrow.