Monday, April 21, 2014

Easy like Sunday morning.

Easter is just my favorite holiday.  I guess it's because you don't have the same kinds of pressures that come along with Christmas and Thanksgiving.  It's easier for me to really sit back and reflect on what the holiday is all about and give thanks for the sacrifice that was made for us.  TC was telling me on the phone yesterday that, since he is at work on the boat, the day felt like just another day.  I reminded him that it wasn't another day and how lucky we all are that it isn't.  He said he hadn't thought about it that way, and it made me feel good to know that I could remind my husband that he was worth Jesus's life.  Since we don't have children, it's easy to ignore holidays just because of the hype surrounding them, because that hype is really focused on kids.  I'm happy to be able to remember that there was a time when Easter wasn't about candy or eggs and there's a real reason to celebrate.

I got to go see TC early Sunday morning, too.  He hasn't been feeling well since the boys came back from Vegas.  His best friend went to the doctor and she told him this is quite common because of the desert air.  So TC ran out of cough drops on the boat and used everyone else's cough drops, as well.  They were stopping at a small fleet about 20 minutes away from our house on Sunday morning, so I offered to bring him some, along with some soup I had made, some leftover pasta salad, and some cookies for the rest of the guys.  Well, turns out their stop was at 4 in the morning.  But I had already said I would, so I woke up at 3 and went out to the fleet.  It was worth it to be able to say hello to him in person.

He'll come home Thursday, and we'll have another whirlwind weekend.  Rehearsal dinner Thursday night, wedding stuff all day Friday (I'll work for a few hours in the morning, too), and another wedding Saturday night.  I always look forward to even the busy weekends, because it means we'll get to be with friends and family.  The lack of free time and sleep is an important investment.  These are the people who will be in our lives and our future children's lives forever, and I'm grateful for the happy memories.

This past weekend was wonderful spending time with my family.  Friday I got to go shopping with my mom.  Her boyfriend is taking her on a secret vacation, and she needed some bathing suits.  We bought her two bikinis, a really cute one-piece, and a cover up.  She was pretty pleased.  Saturday I went to my uncle's house to spend time with my dad's side of the family.  I don't get to see this side of the family as often as my mom's, so it was really nice.  We hadn't gotten together for Easter in years.  I have wonderful family on both sides.  Sunday was Easter at Mom's house, where we spent time with her side.  My in-laws joined there, as well.  I feel so fortunate to have cousins who are like siblings to me.  I couldn't get through life without the support of my family.  I certainly missed all my out-of-towners, though!

It just hit me that I made a happy post!  Hooray!

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